UAE Pensions Announce Increase in June 2024 Payouts & Beneficiary Numbers

Asma Ahmed - | UAE

A large increase in pensioners, beneficiaries, and total pension payouts was noted by the UAE General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) in June 2024.

Increased Number of Pensioners and Beneficiaries

In June 2024, the UAE General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) observed a significant rise in both the number of pensioners and beneficiaries, as well as the total pension disbursements. The GPSSA's latest announcement highlighted that there was an increase of 1,766 new pensioners and beneficiaries in June 2024. This uptick brought the total number of recipients to a higher count compared to the same period last year.

Financial Impact of Increased Payouts

The financial impact of this increase was notable, with an additional AED78,471,657 disbursed in pension payments for June 2024. This marks a substantial rise from June 2023, when AED704,107,177.30 was distributed among 46,569 recipients. The growing number of beneficiaries and the corresponding increase in pension payouts underscore the expanding reach and importance of the GPSSA's services within the UAE.

The GPSSA's announcement emphasized that these expenditures cover a wide range of recipients. This includes civilians who are governed by Federal Law No. 7 of 1999 for Pension and Social Security and its subsequent amendments. Additionally, it encompasses eligible pensioners and beneficiaries whose cases are managed by the GPSSA on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, in alignment with the applicable pension laws.

This upward trend in pension disbursements reflects the authority's ongoing commitment to supporting the welfare of retired individuals and their families. By managing a comprehensive pension system, the GPSSA plays a crucial role in ensuring financial security for a growing number of UAE residents.

The GPSSA's efforts are part of a broader initiative to enhance the social security framework within the UAE. By continuously adapting to the needs of the population, the authority aims to provide reliable and sustainable pension services. This includes addressing the diverse requirements of its beneficiaries and ensuring that the pension system remains robust and responsive to demographic changes.

The announcement from the GPSSA not only highlights the increased financial outlay but also underscores the authority's proactive approach to managing pension funds. The rise in pensioners and beneficiaries indicates a growing trust in the pension system and reflects the authority's effectiveness in administering pension laws and regulations.

The GPSSA's report for June 2024 illustrates a significant increase in both the number of pensioners and the amount of pension payments. With an additional AED78,471,657 disbursed, the authority has demonstrated its commitment to supporting the financial well-being of retirees and their dependents. This increase, compared to June 2023, signifies the expanding impact of the GPSSA's efforts and its crucial role in the UAE's social security landscape.

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Asma Ahmed
Asma Ahmed
1648 Total posts

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