UAE government donates $25 million to support humanitarian efforts in Sudan.

Asma Ahmed - | UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has cemented an agreement with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to deliver emergency food aid to those affected by the crises in Sudan and South Sudan.

A formal agreement with WFP

This initiative aims to support refugees, host communities, internally displaced persons, and returnees impacted by ongoing conflicts in these regions.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the WFP formalized the agreement. Sultan Al Shamsi, Assistant Minister for International Development Affairs, represented the UAE, while Matthew Nims, Director of the Washington Office, signed on behalf of WFP. The signing ceremony took place at the UAE Mission to the UN in New York, attended by notable figures including Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, and Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The UAE's $25M Aid Commitment

The UAE has committed $25 million to alleviate severe food insecurity in Sudan and South Sudan, with $20 million designated for Sudan and $5 million for South Sudan. Recent data indicates that 17.7 million people in Sudan and 7.1 million in South Sudan are facing acute food insecurity due to ongoing conflicts.

Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, expressed profound appreciation for the UAE’s significant contribution. "All donations to the World Food Programme's food relief efforts in Sudan are much appreciated. With this donation, we can assist vulnerable people at risk of famine," McCain affirmed.

This pledge is part of a larger $70 million commitment by the UAE, announced during the "International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and Neighboring Countries" in April. These funds are intended to support UN agencies and various humanitarian organizations tirelessly working to mitigate the humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

Lana Zaki Nusseibeh emphasized the essential necessity to address the pervasive hunger in Sudan and nearby regions, highlighting the seriousness of the matter. Our collaboration with the WFP will help the most vulnerable people in Sudan and surrounding countries who are suffering from hunger as a result of the conflict. Another famine in Sudan must not happen. Particularly for children, the long-term effects of starvation are enormous.

This agreement underscores the UAE's steadfast commitment to international humanitarian endeavors and its proactive stance in tackling global crises through strategic partnerships. Through collaboration with the WFP, the UAE demonstrates its dedication to supporting those in dire need and preventing further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Sudan and South Sudan.

The UAE's recent agreement with the WFP represents a crucial advancement in addressing acute food insecurity in Sudan and South Sudan. By pledging $25 million in aid, the UAE seeks to provide vital assistance to vulnerable populations affected by conflict. This initiative underscores the UAE's unwavering commitment to global humanitarian efforts and its strategic approach to partnering with international organizations to address urgent crises.

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Asma Ahmed
Asma Ahmed
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