The UAE unveils a new innovation to renew passports and Emirati ID instantly

Ahmed Moawad - | UAE

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and Customs and Ports Security in the United Arab Emirates (LCP) revealed a new project that will enable citizens and residents to submit biometrics and renew their passport immediately.

Kiosks to serve citizens and residents

In the not too distant future, the kiosks that are part of the pilot project are going to be responsible for processing Emirates ID cards around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and Customs and Ports Security have announced that self-service kiosks will be installed in a variety of strategic sites across the country, including airports and shopping malls, amongst others.

View a trial version at GITEX Global

During the GITEX Global show that took place at the Dubai World Trade Center, the Federal Authority debuted a trial version of their new software. GITEX is the largest gathering of technology companies in the globe, with over 6,000 companies displaying their most recent breakthroughs. These companies come from both the public and private sectors, as well as startup businesses.

Read: A new end-of-service reward system in the uae.Eliminate the requirement to obtain appointments to submit biometrics

Residents and tourists to the UAE will be able to submit their fingerprints exclusively through kiosks during the device's initial phase, according to the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship in the UAE.

since a result, the need for appointments to submit biometrics at ICP service centers will be eliminated, since these services will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the future.

Print Martian ID and visas instantly

According to the Emirates Authority, the kiosk will have a printer that will allow UAE nationals and residents to print their Emirates ID cards and visas promptly. The kiosk will also be able to print passports and visas for UAE citizens and tourists.

It will also allow UAE citizens and expatriates to use kiosks to submit their biometrics in order to receive SIM cards. The device will be capable of capturing fingerprints, autographs, and photographs.

The date of the official launch of the project

The new project is scheduled to be launched and the performance trials will be fully completed at the end of this year, 2023, or next year, 2024.

About Author

Ahmed Moawad
Ahmed Moawad
598 Total posts

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