UAE provides 7 types of visas available to residents for work and residence

Ahmed Moawad - | UAE

The government of the United Arab Emirates has announced the provision of different types of work and residence visas for residents of the Emirates, and we will show you all types of residence and work visas provided by the UAE.

To develop itself as a worldwide hub for employment, investment, entrepreneurship, education, and leisure, the United Arab Emirates is exerting a lot of effort into this endeavor. With more than 9.06 million people currently calling the United Arab Emirates (UAE) their home, the country is well positioned to see enormous development as a result of smart visa policies.

7 types of non-work residence visas in the UAE

This article has discussed the seven different forms of non-work resident visas that are available to expats in the United Arab Emirates:

1- Golden residency

It is one of the most important types of residency in the Emirates, as it provides all residents, foreigners, and their families who wish to live, work, or study the opportunity to enjoy long-term residency without the need for an Emirati sponsor, in addition to the possibility of ownership in the country. Golden residency in the Emirates, also known as the long-term residency visa, is one of the most important types of residency in the Emirates. 100%, which is a trait that is quite noteworthy. The period of the golden residence in the United Arab Emirates is either five or ten years, and it is renewable.

The categories benefiting from the golden residency visa in the UAE are as follows:

  • Scientists and specialists
  • People with exceptional talent
  • Investors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Early students and graduates
  • First line of defense
  • Pioneers of humanitarian work

2- Green residency

This residency is personal for the individual or employee and not for the company, which means that it allows foreign workers, investors, and owners to reside in the Emirates. The green residency in the Emirates is a component of the new residency system in the Emirates that was recently implemented. The significance of this system lies in the fact that it distinguishes the Emirates residency from the work permit. Students and graduates with a high level of qualifications are permitted to dwell on state lands and apply for jobs without the sponsorship of an employer.

The categories benefiting from green residency in the United Arab Emirates are as follows:

  • For the handyman
  • Freelancing
  • Investor or partner
  • Students enrolled in an educational institution

3- Regular work visa

A standard work visa is typically valid for a period of two years and can be awarded for employment in either the private or public sector, as well as in a free zone.

4- Free residence in the Emirates

It is the first of its kind at the federal level, as it was created and allocated to independent, self-employed workers without the need to issue a work permit and employment contract, in order to facilitate residency conditions in the Emirates, even if the company that it follows that it is already established on state land.

The new residency law in the Emirates includes free residency in the Emirates, which is the first of its kind at the federal level. In addition, it is important to note that children up to the age of 25 are eligible for free residency, as opposed to the previous age requirement of 18 years.

5- Student visa

In the United Arab Emirates, foreign students who are coming from other countries and who intend to enroll in universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions are eligible to receive a student residency visa.

With regard to this particular scenario, the guarantor is either one of his parents who is legally residing in the nation or one of the approved colleges in the country. This visa is only valid for a single year, and it can be renewed for a comparable amount of time if the applicant provides formal documentation that they have maintained their studies at a higher education institution in the Emirates.

6- Entry visa for residents of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

By applying electronically for an entry permit (electronic visa) on the official websites, foreign nationals who are residing in any of the other countries that are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are granted permission to reside in Dubai and other Emirates for a period of thirty days beginning on the date of entry. This visa allows for the possibility of extending the stay for a period of thirty days only once.

In light of the fact that the visa holder will not be permitted to enter the country if there is a change in their profession after the entry permit has been issued, it is important to note that any request to issue a visit visa for any family member or supporting group for residents or companions of citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council states will not be approved if the sponsor is not traveling with them. Both the validity of the entrance permit holder's passport and the validity of their residency in the GCC nation must be present for a period of time that is greater than three months when they arrive at the ports of entry.

7- Residence visa for family members

An individual who is a resident of the Emirates and possesses a valid residence permit is permitted to bring his family members and submit a request for a residence visa for them. A minimum monthly income of 4,000 dirhams or a salary of 3,000 dirhams, in addition to housing, is all that is necessary to be considered for this position. One of the requirements for residing in the Emirates is the issuance or renewal of a residence visa. Additionally, members of the family must be subject to... Those who are above the age of 18 are required to undertake a medical fitness assessment that is set by the state.

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Ahmed Moawad
Ahmed Moawad
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