The UAE government obliges these educational institutions to begin Emiratisation urgently

Ahmed Moawad - | UAE

The government of the United Arab Emirates announced the start of implementation of the new Emiratisation campaign program in the Emirates, during the recent meeting of the Emirati Council of Ministers headed by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Through this project, the government aims to begin urgently employing 1,000 Emirati citizens in the education sector every year, starting next year 2024.

A resettlement program for 4,000 Emirati citizens

It is worth noting that the government of the United Arab Emirates aims, through this program, to implement the vision of nationalizing 4,000 Emirati citizens working in private education institutions during the next 4 years.

This project was launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation in the UAE, in cooperation with the UAE Ministry of Education and the Talent Competitiveness Council.

It is planned that citizens wishing to work in the educational sector will be trained in private schools, with special courses offered to meet the requirements of the required jobs.

Working conditions in the educational sector

The government clarified that applicants for a job in the educational sector must have a bachelor’s degree if they wish to work in teaching positions.

As for those wishing to work in administrative work and assistants, job applicants must have at least a high school diploma, and registration must be done on the Nafees platform.

Categories of training courses for administrative and teaching positions

It is worth noting that the program announced by the UAE Cabinet regarding Emiratisation in the educational sector states that the program provides a number of training courses for the following jobs:

  • Kindergarten, primary school and special education teachers.
  • Administrative professions.
  • Specialized in educational guidance and leadership positions.
  • Jobs teaching Arabic and Islamic languages, social studies, and national identity.

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Ahmed Moawad
Ahmed Moawad
598 Total posts

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