The UAE announces the opening of a new Indian church next to the Hindu temple

Ahmed Moawad - | UAE

The United Arab Emirates is preparing to open the new facility of the Diocese of the Church of South India CSI, which is considered the first of its kind in Abu Dhabi, with a simple ceremony that will be held next Sunday.

The new church is located next to the Hindu Babs Temple in Abu Marikha, where the new church was built on a 4.37-acre land gifted by President Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Nahyan.

The Most Reverend Dr Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, Bishop of Madhya Kerala Diocese of CSI, is scheduled to lead the ceremony on Sunday, and there will also be a thanksgiving gathering.

For its part, the church praised in a statement the continuous support provided by the leadership of the United Arab Emirates since its first service on April 19, 1979, as CSI, with a membership of about 4 million, is considered the second largest Christian church in India.

It is worth noting that the mass is held so far in St. Andrew's Church in the city, and soon the CSI followers in the capital will have their own church building to gather and offer prayers.

The new church has a distinctive design, as the earth-colored, octagonal-shaped church building features a front façade that resembles the wings of angels, which the church noted symbolizes the protection of humanity and God’s creation.

“We are here to share God’s unconditional and sacrificial love, and we hereby affirm that this place of worship will provide our services to the community at all times,” said Rev. Lalji M. Philip, parish vicar.

Pastor Lalji M. Philip added that personal attendance at the Sunday ceremony will only be through invitations and entry permits issued by the church, and there will be a live broadcast over the Internet for well-wishers and followers to join the dedication ceremony, and the regular service open to all followers will begin next May 5.

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Ahmed Moawad
Ahmed Moawad
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