car insurance in The UAE reject rain-damaged claims For this reason

Ahmed Moawad - | UAE

Maintenance expenses for vehicles submerged in water as a result of the rains that the UAE witnessed are usually covered, especially cars parked in designated parking lots and then towed to the garage, but on the condition that they have comprehensive insurance.

Denial of insurance claims

Nevertheless, insurance claims are typically denied for a large number of automobile owners in the United Arab Emirates. This is particularly the case for vehicles that were parked in locations that were saturated with water or partially immersed in water, and attempts were made to start the engine, which resulted in injuries.

In addition to the possibility of a claim being rejected by insurance companies due to damaged windshield wipers, insurance coverage may also be refused for cars that are parked or driven in water that is inundated during periods of severe rainfall.

It is possible that an insurance claim for a car that has been damaged by rain might be denied if the driver intentionally drives on roads that are flooded during a downpour.

Fatigue vehicles that need repair

With estimates showing that repairs may approach 40,000 dirhams for some unfortunate motorists whose insurance claims have been denied, garage owners and mechanics in the United Arab Emirates are suffering from the depletion of automobiles that were in need of repair.

On April 16, severe rains caused a large number of vehicles to become stuck in the United Arab Emirates.

Thousands of automobiles are in need of major repairs, and many drivers are having trouble securing insurance coverage for vehicles that have been damaged by flood waters. As a result of the damage, drivers are facing hefty repair expenses, which is especially concerning given the current situation.

Hydraulic lock of cars due to rain water

There is a possibility that some components of the automobile will need to be imported from the nation of origin of the automobile, which may be rather costly. As a result of water entering the engines, which led to hydraulic locking, transmission failure, and engine breakdown, it is possible that floods and rains were responsible for the loss of essential components, such as the electrical circuit and the engine of the automobile.

Damage of this nature is not only expensive, but it also creates difficulties in terms of logistics. Rescue trucks are already at capacity, and garages are operating at their maximum capacity. In addition, their garage capacity is already at capacity, and they are having trouble accommodating additional vehicles.

Despite the fact that some owners are fortunate enough to have insurance coverage, a significant number of other owners are confronted with the daunting prospect of financing the expenses of repairs out of their own pockets while their insurance claims are still being processed.

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Ahmed Moawad
Ahmed Moawad
598 Total posts

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